Square Mile leader renews calls for unity in Covid-19 fight


People across the capital are being urged to work together to slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

In a statement to a virtual meeting of the Court of Common Council, the City of London Corporation’s main decision-making body, Policy Chair Catherine McGuinness called on Londoners to comply with the national lockdown by staying at home to protect the NHS and save lives.

She also highlighted the “shocking figures” across London “both in terms of infection and of pressure on the NHS.”

Ms McGuinness said: “This is a trying time for the City that we represent.

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“We must all work together to bring down the rate of infection. That means, staying at home, saving lives and protecting the NHS. Staying home ourselves, and also sending out this message to our stakeholders.

“Meanwhile, we also know that livelihoods are at stake. And that what I have just said will feel a bitter blow to the City businesses who depend on footfall. But the quicker we can reduce the rate of infection, the quicker we can support businesses to get back to normal.

“There are some hard weeks and months ahead. Let’s all work together to do what we can to combat the virus and then to look beyond it.”

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