Wallinger’s Ecce Homo finds new home at St Paul’s

Ecce Homo installed on the steps of St Paul's Cathedral. Photo: Graham Lacdao / St Paul’s Cathedral

Amnesty International, St Paul’s Cathedral and renowned artist Mark Wallinger have teamed up to highlight the plight of all those facing persecution because of their beliefs.

Wallinger’s Ecce Homo was installed on the steps of St Paul’s on Tuesday morning, where it will remain until 22 May.

The life-size sculpture shows the figure of Jesus Christ, hands bound behind his back and wearing a crown of barbed wire, as he awaits judgement moments before he was sentenced to death.

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Mark Wallinger with Ecce Homo. Photos: Graham Lacdao / St Paul’s Cathedral.

Famously the first sculpture to appear on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square in 1999, Ecce Homo presents Christ as a lone man standing before a hostile crowd, representative of a political leader judged for his beliefs.

Wallinger, who won the Turner Prize in 2007, said: “It is an enormous privilege to work with St Paul’s and Amnesty International to shine a light on human rights abuses.”