Five minutes with Sibu Dladla

Five minutes with Sibu Dladla
Credit Simon Deirner

Angela Sharda speaks to co-founder of Jaded Life Collective (JLC) and fashion designer, Sibu Dladla about London Fashion Week, the inspiration behind his art and what’s on-trend for this Autumn.

Q. Tell us about your collection.

A. The new collection is Called Black Collection, and It is a collection that plays with form and cerebral structure, which are elements of dystopia, as the future is for the brave. This collection pushes past conformity and focuses on solid lines but still keeps to our sustainable roots.

Q. What’s the inspiration behind your fashion style?

A. I’m inspired by Life, Passion, Art, Music and Africa_._

Q. What are the biggest challenges that you’ve encountered as a designer, and how did you overcome them?

A. General Lack of Support for BFC, local government, and others and becoming complacent. I’ve overcome this by creating a collective of other like-minded designers/artists/ creatives in order to solve our issues.

Q. How do you feel about exhibiting at London Fashion Week?

A. It’s a great honour and also a great responsibility, as nothing is guaranteed; as a brand, I find really being optimistic goes a long way.

Q. What is the Autumn colour of 2023?

A. Black

Q. What’s on-trend for this Autumn?

A. Cut-out clothing, Platozo, Samurai, Anime, Denim patch and body armour.

Q. Who are your biggest fashion icons?

A. Irs Van Herpen, Oliver Rostin and Gareth Pugh.

Q. What’s in the pipeline for the rest of 2023?

A. Work on the Collective platform and Flagship store.

The Jaded Collective will be taking part in London Fashion Week on Saturday 16th September.

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