Corporation takes pledge to tackle obesity


Snacking on sweets and biscuits may be one of the easiest ways to get through the afternoon slump, but it is not exactly good for our health.

It is exactly the attitude the City Corporation wants to help adjust after signing the Local Government Declaration on sugar reduction and healthier food.

By also promoting the Mayor of London’s Healthy Workplace Charter and other campaigns, such as Change4Life and SUGAR SMART, the local authority says it is supporting the business community to help their workforce make healthier choices.

Obesity is on the increase amongst both adults and children in the UK and, according to Public Health England, a quarter of adults’ calories and one-fifth of children’s come from food consumed outside the home.

At ground level, the Corporation has moved to enhance the range of healthy drinks and foods available in many public-facing outlets under its control, such as the Barbican and the Old Bailey.

Pupils at local schools, including the City of London School and City of London School for Girls, will also benefit from a recently refreshed offering within their canteens.

Joyce Nash, chairman of the health and wellbeing board, said: “By changing London’s food environment, alongside the Capital’s local authorities we aim to help support healthier behaviours.

“We want to make it clear that people have a choice, by ensuring that healthier options are always available.”