City of London Corporation passes address of condolence to His Majesty King Charles III

City of London Corporation passes address of condolence to His Majesty King Charles III

The City of London Corporation’s Court of Common Council has passed an address of condolence to His Majesty King Charles III.

The Chief Commoner, Deputy Simon Duckworth, OBE, DL, read and proposed the Address, which was seconded by the senior Alderman and approved unanimously by the whole Court.

In full, the condolence read: “May it please Your Majesty. We, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common Council assembled, Your Majesty’s loyal and devoted subjects, conscious of your deep feelings of loss occasioned by the death of our greatly respected Queen, express with our humble duty our own profound sentiments of sympathy and condolence.

“We treasure many happy memories of Her Majesty’s gracious presence within the City during the course of her long and dedicated reign. We greatly admired her physical and moral courage, her energy, discipline, strong sense of duty and care for her subjects.

“She showed that The Crown is not only a real symbol of our unity but also became a personal and living bond between subject and Sovereign, here and throughout the Commonwealth. The recent celebration of her Platinum Jubilee underlined this bond.

“We in this City have been blessed by a long and deeply treasured association with The Crown. We proclaim our resolute loyalty and enduring affection for Your Majesty and wish you health and strength long to reign over us.”

NOW READ: City opens Book of Condolence following City Proclamation at Royal Exchange

Lord Mayor of the City of London, Vincent Keaveny, and City Policy Chairman, Chris Hawyward have already paid tribute to the late monarch.

The Lord Mayor said: “This is a moment of immense sadness and mourning for the nation, but it is also a time to reflect on Her Majesty The Queen’s momentous reign.

“It was a reign which was characterised by an unfaltering commitment to public service.

“Her Majesty has provided a symbol of unity and stability through the unprecedented changes in recent history.”

Hayward added: “The City of London will always remember with gratitude the great example set by the long and glorious reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.”

The City of London Corporation has also opened a Book of Condolence to give the public an opportunity to pay their respects to Her Majesty The Queen.

It will be situated on the upper level of Guildhall Art Gallery and open to the public from 10.30am-4pm every day until September 21.

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